Inbox Tracker Add-Ons

Inbox Tracker Add-On Features

Reputation Advisor
A first-of-its-kind feature, Reputation Advisor takes what had previously been a manual audit process and automates 100+ system checks from the following categories: Configuration & Set-Up, Infrastructure Details, Authentication & Compliance, IP Reputation & Performance, and Policy & Practices. More thorough than any existing tool on the market, Reputation Advisor checks key elements of your program and alerts you of any underlying issues, ensuring maximum inbox placement of your emails.

Subject Line Advisor &
Subject Line Predict
Powered by Persado
Subject Line Advisor will help you better understand the emotional profile of your audience, improve subject lines on the fly, and make data-driven improvements to your messaging. Subject Line Predict will allow you to pre-test subject lines and project read rates before you even deploy. You can also compare your subject lines against your industry as well as any competitor and even get alternate word-choice recommendations to maximize lift.

Design Tracker
Powered by Litmus
Design Tracker lets you view your email campaign the way your customers would before you hit send. It allows you to preview mailings by first sending them to a generated recipient list based on virtual personas and see how they render and function across a broad selection of desktop, web-based or mobile email clients. This empowers you to address any issues that might affect inbox placement and get the feedback you need to make your mailing more effective and engaging.
Own the Inbox.
Elevate Your Email Program.
Speak with one of our email experts today for a free consultation and program evaluation. We’ll then craft a recommendation for the services and solutions best suited to your program needs.