
Inbox Tracker New Feature Alert!

Article by Dave Martin CATEGORIES: Product News TAGS:

Our new features are often based on direct customer feedback. We always welcome those conversations, so that our Customer Success team can partner with the eDataSource engineers to continually improve our customers’ platform experience. We’ll be announcing several major new features in the coming weeks. Stay tuned and sign up for our email newsletter.

Today we’re highlighting a new way to search campaigns in Inbox Tracker. If you love Advanced Search in Competitive Tracker, you should check out this new way to view your own campaigns in Inbox Tracker.

The filter functionality has been reorganized into a drop-down menu of the available fields. The enhanced search capability allows multiple selections at once:

As you make your selections, the chosen filters will be displayed and the corresponding email campaigns will populate:

Search by any combination of subject keyword, from address, campaignID or emotion (powered by Persado).  Happy filtering!

And feel free to contact our Customer Success team at csteam@edatasource.com with any questions.