
Marketers’ Favorite Way to Keep Track of Their Competitors’ Email Programs Is…

Article by John Landsman CATEGORIES: Uncategorized TAGS:

edatasource-marketer-views-email-competitive-tactics-oct2016Marketers are using a variety of email marketing competitive tools and tactics, but none are as popular as simply signing up for competitors’ newsletters, according to a survey from eDataSource and The Relevance Group (TRG) [download page]. This is considered the most important competitive tactic used, edging analyst and market research services and tools that provide engagement and performance data.

When it comes to competitive intelligence applications (CIAs), 38% of respondents said they currently use an application that allows them to view their competitors’ email performance data. Another 52% reported interest in using such a tool.

Among those using a CIA, roughly one-third or more report improvements across open rates (34%), understanding of optimal message frequency (34%), click-through rates (33%), understanding of what works for competitors (33%) and average order value (33%), per the report.

Read the article as published in MarketingCharts for more insight into email’s ROI and purchase influence.